Wednesday 30 September 2009

This music video is the the artist song which we have chosen to remake however we are NOT copying it and have interpreted our own ideas into the making of our version of the video. we did get some ideas from this video but we tried not to make it look the same as we what our video to look unique

Monday 28 September 2009

Research Questionnaire

when planning for this project we had to do some research one of these was our questionnaire. i made my questionnaire then handed it our to various people and analysed the data received. i had had different feedback and took that into note. we then as a group put our ideas together and ended up coming up with doing 'synth pop' and looked at artist like Lady Gaga, Little Boots and Goldfrap before we finally decided to use La Roux

This is a picture of my groups choosen artist (la roux) this picture was a big help as we got an idea of how la roux dresses, which is wacky and unusual, we have taken this into our ideas for our music video

Wednesday 2 September 2009

for our research we had to analyse 9 different music videos for three different genres. This was a good task because it helped us find the codes and conventions for each genre. we took the information and inturpreted it into our music videos