Thursday 8 October 2009

Filming Blobs

We had problems in doing this as the blobs kept falling over and would not move as we wanted. After a short time we decided not to go with this idea.


This lesson was fun as our group set out to make our 'blobs' for our animation sequence using clay. This was called as my art skills came into play.

Saturday 3 October 2009

Filming In New Location

Our new location was a local alley and feild. we decided to film lorna walking up and down whist singing 'Bulletproof'. It started to get dark so we struggled to get everthing done, but we managed to film a range of shots.

Filmimg In The Studio

We decided to film using the fig rig. Every had a chance to use it and film. i enjoyed it because it allows you to be free when your filming and i attempted a range of shots. We tried to alot done so that we had alot to work with and edit.

Change Of Storyboards

Now that we had a new location we had to storyboard all over again to fit our ne location and show our knew idea which is blobs dancing and scenes in a music studio and our stop motion

Changing Ideas

After carefully thinking through our ideas we decided that our location of the country lane was going to be difficult as it would take about 30 - 40 minutes to get there, no one could drive and we had time issues and it would have been a hassle if we had to re-film, so we set to look to a closer location

Friday 2 October 2009

Synth Pop

Synthpop is a sub genre of pop and electronic music in which the synthsiser is the dominant musical instrument. it originated during the 'new wave' era of the late 1970s and has continued to exit and develop since
when choosing our artist we looked carefully into the background information. this is what i found out. La Roux is a british synth pop duo band made up of a singer Elenor Jackson and a synth player , co - writher and co - producer. she has released one album and four videos this year
for our shooting schedule we sat down and worked out the days when we can film. we then drew out a table of when everyone had frees and found out that we only had two frees were everyone in our group was free to film. we then decided to film on a monday after school but i cant make mondays so we decided to film saturdays aswell but siobhan cant make that either so we had to film without one of our group members

Developing Our Ideas

Now we had come up with our idea we need to be a bit more artistic and creative. Our genre 'synth pop' is a bit wacky and weird so we wanted to do something along those lines. we then played around with some ideas like moving houses and lego men dancing, to do this we would have to use a technique called stop motion .
once we had been put into groups we sat down a chose a music genre we wanted to do which was 'synth pop' we choose this genre because it was something diiferent to everyone else and with synth pop the videos and artist are a bit wacky so we thought it would be a fun idea to do


when we had a clear idea of what idea we were doing we sat down and started storyboarding we each had our own job and were contributing to different ideas. we the completed 50 storyboards between us in detail and colour

group evaluation

After all the groups have completed their powerpoints on their selected music video , we evaluated each others work. this was a good task as everyone gave condtructive feedback and was able to use it in their powerpoints and ideas