Wednesday 12 May 2010

How did you use media technologies in the construction research and planning and evaluation.

I then decided to use Lego characters which I felt was a brilliant idea as I had never personally seen Lego characters on a music video before. I decided to make many different sequences with the Lego characters as I wanted them to be in my music video quite a bit. Once I had finished a sequence I put all of the photos together and put them onto I-movie and then I played the movie through making it look like the Lego is moving simultaneously. I used the video camera to film the actual music video I did not feel that this was that challenging for me as i have filmed before for other projects. One idea which I did have that I thought I had never done was using two cameras to film I decided to do this one it would save time and I would be able to experiment with different types of camera angles, two I wanted to track round the singer whilst there was one camera stood still filming to see what I could use that and experiment in final cut.

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